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Marketing Toolkit: Costco

Increase customer awareness that you shop & delivery from Costco, by using these marketing tools.

Joel Shapiro avatar
Written by Joel Shapiro
Updated over 4 years ago


Who is the target customer segment?

Customers or potential customers who already shop at Costco in-store or via another delivery platform. 

Why Costco?

Costco orders via the dumpling app offer customers the highest value, in terms of both time and cost savings. In comparison to other platforms, the cost savings at Costco is the biggest differentiator with dumpling. Other platforms mark up items at Costco, up to 30%. So, customers who are shopping at Costco for the savings are in fact paying more when they order elsewhere. 

Although Costco does offer delivery on some items, this service is more focused on businesses. This leaves a window for dumpling business owners to better serve individual customers ordering for themselves or their families. 

Ultimately a dumpling biz owner can offer Costco customers the following: 

  1. Cost savings 

  2. Time/hassle savings 

  3. More personalized service than any other platform


STEP #️⃣1️: Share Costco focused content on Social Media Channels

We’ve put together a social media and content calendar for you to follow. This calendar outlines 4 posts per week, one of which is left flexible for you to post your own content. You may post these at anytime, of any day. Feel free to post additional content if you wish. Encourage friends and family to share your posts, in order to get more reach. Additionally, liking and responding to comments in a timely manner increase visibility. 

Step #️⃣2️ : Promote Your Business in Your Own Neighborhood 

Setup a NextDoor account & share you services in your neighborhood. Use the post feature to share your services with your immediate neighbors. 

Step #️⃣3️: Connect with Local Businesses 

Many businesses make regular trip to Costco. If your delivery zone encompasses any locally owned coffee shops, bakeries, restaurants, etc. Stop by their location and ask to connect with whomever does the purchasing. 


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