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Complete a "Friendly" Order

This article provides details about how to process your first order, to better understand the process from start to finish

Dumpling Team avatar
Written by Dumpling Team
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Place an Order

It’s very important to understand how to complete a full order to ensure the order gets closed out correctly and you get paid for your time. Because of this, we encourage you to complete a “Friendly” order for a friend, family member, or yourself as your first order.

  • Either you or someone close to you can place an actual order using your dumpling app for 1 or more item(s) to purchase and have delivered

  • When an order is placed, your dumpling card will be funded, so you can shop for the items ordered

You DO NOT need to be listed in the Dumpling Marketplace to receive an order from yourself or a friend!

You can invite yourself or a family/friend to the Dumpling App in the Client section of the Boss App.

1. In the Client tab, click the 👤+ in the upper right corner, enter your name and phone number, then click Invite.

2. You will receive a text message with a link to the Dumpling app, when you click the link you will be connected to yourself and can place an order if you have an active Boss Card.

Click the guide below 👇 for a step-by-step video tutorial on how to complete an order or follow the directions below.

1️⃣ Order Notification and Review

When one of your clients places an order, you’ll receive a text message informing you of the order and telling you to check the Boss app for details.

🙋🏽‍♀️ When an order is placed, your dumpling card will be funded, so you can shop for the items ordered.

2️⃣ Complete an Order

  • Open the Boss App,

    • Select the “Orders” tab at the bottom of the screen

    • Open” at the top to view your open orders!

    • Tap the order you want to view to see the details! Here you can review the delivery time and delivery address!

  • Clicking on the map icon opens navigation! Use this feature to help you plan your route and estimate your delivery times!

3️⃣ Communication with Client

Now is the time to establish Great Communication with your new Client! Repeat clients have shared that great communication is the #1 reason that keeps them ordering with their Personal Shopper!

  • From the Client Tab, Tap the Client Name you want to Message and Begin Chat!

  • Confirm the Delivery Time, Delivery Date, and ask about any Preferences they may have!

  • It's always Best Practice to let the client know you have received their order, confirm the delivery time, delivery date, and ask about any preferences they may have.

Communication Is The Key, do that easily with In-App Chat!

4️⃣ Organize the Shopping List

Let’s take a look at the shopping list! From the Order Tab, tap Open and select the list you want to view! Our list features create a faster and more fun “in-store” shopping experience!

Notice the list items are organized by Category! If you would like to rearrange the list, tap the Menu icon in the top right corner of the list, and select ‘Rearrange’. Here, you can drag and drop the items into a preferred order!

It’s Best Practice to organize the list before going to the store! This helps to ensure you have organized the list in a way that works for you, and that you are prepared before arriving at the store!

  • Open the shopping list, by tapping on “View List”.

  • The Categorized list is a default view and can be rearranged in any order that you prefer.

  • Click “Rearrange” at the top right of your screen! You are now able to “Drag and Drop” each item.

  • Once you have finished reorganizing the list, be sure to click ‘Done” to save your changes.

5️⃣ Ready to Shop!

Once you have arrived at the store, it's Best Practice to start by sending a message to your client to alert them that you are at the store and ready to begin their order.

This alert lets the client know that this is a good time to add any last-minute items and ensure they are available for any questions or ideas that you may have during the shopping trip.

  • From the Open Order, select 'Started Shopping' in the middle of the screen This in-app chat lets the Client know that you are at the store to begin shopping for their order.

6️⃣ Shopping Pro-Tips

The extra care you put into completing an order will definitely show! Communicate Sales, Replacements, and Unavailable items with your Client using the in-app chat!

  • $ Buy One, Get One Free (BOGO)- Often, items on the shopping list are on sale. For example: Chicken is on the shopping list, or it is an item your repeat client would like. You notice a 'Buy One, Get One Free' sale (aka BOGO). Message the client from the open order screen and let them know about the sale. This is a perfect opportunity to provide outstanding customer service!

  • Network Offline - To help ensure you are getting updates while in the store, a message will show in-app if your Internet Connection is Offline! If you see this message, try moving to the front of the store, and connecting to the store Wi-Fi if available!

  • Replacements- When an item isn't available and you need to suggest a replacement to the client. Message the Client, by selecting the item and tapping the ‘Suggest Replacement’ Icon At The Bottom Of Your Screen!

    • A pop-up will appear for you to fill in the Replacement Item information! The original and replacement item photos will appear in a message to your Client!

    • Once they approve, swipe right on the item and select ‘Replace’ to add the item to the list! Complete the information in the pop-up box! The updated item now appears as 'Complete'!

  • Unavailable- If an item is Unavailable or the Client doesn’t approve a replacement, swipe right on the item, and tap ‘Unavailable’! The item now appears in your completed list, with a status of 'Unavailable’! This action can easily be undone, and the item returned to the regular shopping list if needed!

7️⃣ Before Checking Out

Once you have finished the shopping list, it’s Best Practice to message the client to alert them that you are completing their order.

  • Message client to let them know you are going to finish the order

  • Refresh the Dumpling app for any last-minute changes or additions from the client

  • Your Boss card is funded for $350 per order. Ensuring your card has sufficient funding to complete the order during Business Hours is important. If you need additional funds to complete the order, please be sure to write to Support during business hours.

8️⃣ Checkout

It’s time to checkout! The Dumpling Boss Card is a VISA credit card and can be used wherever VISA Cards are accepted. This includes warehouse or wholesale stores such as Costco, BJ's, and Sam's Club. Your Dumpling Boss Card will not work at stores that only accept debit transactions or at Trader Joe's.

  • Get your own membership for warehouse and wholesale stores. These types of business expenses can often be written off on taxes

  • At checkout, pay using the credit card chip or the contactless option of “Tap to Pay”. Select the available or preferred option and complete the transaction as directed on the payment device!

9️⃣ Adding Receipts

Uploading the order receipts and adjustments is the last step before delivery. Best Practice is to complete this step before leaving the store. This is an important step and gives Dumpling the information needed to charge your client the correct amount for their order!

After you have shopped the order and before leaving the store, you’ll need to add the transaction(s) and receipt(s) to the order. Take note that your Invoice shows $0 for the order's charges but this will update once you have added the receipt(s).

  1. Select Proceed to Invoice at the bottom of the Active Order Screen

  2. Click Attach Receipt(s)

  3. Tap Attach next to the transaction that belongs to this order

  4. Take a clear photo of the entire receipt(s)

  • Be sure to clearly capture all the items purchased on the receipt image.

  • Do not submit blurry images or partial receipt images with only the total.

🔟 Complete the Order BEFORE Leaving the Store

If you have more than one transaction for this order click Attach Receipt(s) again and add the additional receipts. The exact amount that your client will be charged will be shown next to Total.

Before you complete the order by selecting the Charge, you can add a positive or negative adjustment to customize the client's price. It's Best Practice

  • Positive Adjustments will add to the order and should be used if you have purchased something with your personal funds, or you have notified the client of an extra charge! To use this option, it is required that you get a written acknowledgment from the client in a text or email, agreeing to the additional charges!

  • Negative Adjustments will deduct from your earnings and should be used if you are giving the client a discount or promotion

Once all receipts are attached and adjustments are made, select Charge to complete the order. Be sure to do this before you leave the store to ensure their credit card goes through, especially if they are a new customer you have never shopped for.

Complete Order & Delivery

Don't forget to give your client the store receipt! This is a huge selling point for your business and gives your client the transparency in pricing that the other on-demand shopping apps don't provide.

Grocery Handling Best Practices:

  • It’s Always Best to Follow Safe Food Handling and COVID-19 Guidelines

  • Ensuring That Your Vehicle Has a Clean and Uncluttered Area for the Groceries

  • Make Sure to Bag Raw Meats and Chemical Items Separately to Prevent Cross-Contamination

  • Use Insulated Bags and Coolers to Keep Items at the Correct Temperature

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